GÖTZL, M.; GEISER, P.; JAHN, R. W.; FRIND, H. (2018): The Academic Professionalization of Business Education as a Science.

21.01.2019 -  

GÖTZL, Mathias; GEISER, Patrick; JAHN, Robert W.; FRIND, Hannah (2018): The Academic Professionalization of Business Education as a Science A Collective-Biographical and Network-Analytical Study of Discipline Formation in the German-speaking Area in the 20th Century. In: TERÄS, M.; GOUGOULAKIS, P.; HERRERA, L. M. (Hrsg.): Comparative Issues and Research Concerns in the National Landscapes of Vocational Education & Training. Stockholm: Premiss förlag, S. 99-125. (http://premissforlag.se/bocker/emergent-issues-research-vocational-education-training-vol-2/)

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